Hi, my name is


Hello! I'm a software developer based in Singapore with a passion for exploring and creating exciting new projects

Me and Myself

profile image

I'm a hobbyist when it comes to coding. I love creating random projects and experimenting with new ideas, from building robots to making applications to running my own home lab.

I'm currently focused on backend development. I like building server-side systems and creating efficient architectures that can handle complex data processing and high traffic.

I'm also fascinated by the inner workings of operating systems and how they manage resources and provide a platform for applications to run.

Where I've Worked

Software Engineer Intern



May 2022 - Aug 2022

Devised a proof-of-concept blockchain application architecture capable of receiving sensor data from IOT devices

Executed the development of a solidity contract to store sensor data onto the Ethereum blockchain

Created own docker image to automatically setup software prerequisites to run backend servers

Skills Acquired

Throughout my career as a developer, I have had the opportunity to work with startups and collaborate with talented individuals in creating products for businesses and consumers.

Through these experiences, I have gained proficiency in various technologies, which have added to my collection of skillsets.

As time progresses, I intend to expand this collection further.

Projects Showcase

Featured Project

IOT Home

IOT Home is a web application that provides a dashboard to control lights and switches in homes.

The application's current focus is on controlling lights and switches.






Featured Project


A phone application that allows users to play games with each other and potentially meet new people through the platform.

Users will be matched with others who have similar answers and preferences and connect with them through our in app chat messaging.



google cloud functions


Featured Project

Astar Tutors

A web application that provides a simple and effective way for students to connect with tutors in a variety of subject areas,

making it easier for them to communicate through the platform to schedule and conduct tutoring session.





Check out my blog post

I also enjoy writing about my personal projects and sharing my knowledge with others.

I am maintaining a blog to document my coding adventures, share tips and tricks for software development, and discuss interesting topics in computer science.

This website is build using Next.js by Andre

Credits to Brittany Chiang for the design inspiration